contaminacion en los rios de El Salvador

contaminacion en los rios de El Salvador
Rio Acelhuate de El Salvador

miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Let's not contaminate water

Water is necessary for all of us,so if we keep on wasting it we'll be facing the problems soon.We use water to raise our crops, feed our animals, to refresh our bodies, and to keep ourselves clean. We should take care of water ,because it's what keeps us alive.We should start doing something to conservet it.Here are some ways we can conserve the water: We can protect it by putting things where they belong ,not just throw our garbage into the water. We should keep our cars and boats clean so that they don't spill oil. You should turn of the tap when you don't need the running water. Don't throw paints,oils,or other garbage down the toilet or sink.Don't overuse pesticides because they can cause runoffs of the materials and that could hurt the environment. You could put more plants into your gardens to reduce the need for fertilizers or pesticides. We need to stop contaminating water NOW!!!!

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

El agua contaminada en EL Salvador.

El agua de El Salvador está muy contaminada aproximadamente el 90 por ciento de los cuerpos de agua están contaminados. Al igual que el 98 por ciento de la población en El Salvador bebe y usa del agua , el 90 por ciento de las fábricas en El Salvador desperdicio inútil de agua. La basura y las aguas sucias se arrojan a los ríos o arroyos sin ningún tratamiento. La máxima prioridad de la contaminación se estima que en el Río Acelhuate y Río Sucio, esto son las zonas que suministra un tercio del suministro de agua del área metropolitana de San Salvador

Contaminated Water in El Salvador.

The water from El Salvador is really polluted. About 90 percent of the bodies of water are contaminated. 98 percent of the people in El Salvador waste water . About 90 percent of the factories in El Salvador waste water . Trash and dirty waters are thrown to rivers or into streams without any treatment. The highest priority for pollution is estimated to be in the Río Acelhuate and Río Sucio, sinse these are the areas that supply a third of the water supply of the Metropolitan area of San Salvador.

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Tips for cleaning the water

Water pollution is the contamination of bodies of water like rivers , lakes or seas.Water Pollution happens on every continent, in every country, nearly every city. We need to solve this problem now.
The solution to this problem is to try to follow this tips bellow 
Water pollution is the result of chemicals and garbage being thrown into water.Toxic things like paints, oil, polishes, and cleaning products should be stored and be disposed of properly. It is better to use not-toxic products for the house as much as possible. Also, never dispose of such products by throwing them into your toilet. Try to use natural fertilizers and avoid pesticides if possible, or if you do use pesticides, don't overuse them or over-water gardens. This will help in reducing the pollutants that get into water systems due to runoffs. Also, it is important to keep your automobile well maintained to prevent leaks of toxic fluids like antifreeze and oil.You should actively save water by turning off the tap when you do not need the water.

If we do this we can help improve the quality of the world's water and clean the oceans , lakes and streams . We could drink cleaner water and the water would look and feel cleaner.